2011-2012 Iowa Hawkeye Men's Gymnastics Team

"...showing what we are made of, and where we are going...the Hawkeye way..."

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Break it Down Hawks!

As promised, we are now showing you the video that has been creating a buzz on the blog site and facebook page!

The very first Iowa Men's Gymnastics Dance Battle is revealed featuring the best Iowa Gymnastics has to offer! Watch as the Men take on the the other dance crew and battle it out to see who will win the title of best crew!

A couple updates and reminders!

1)Vote for November's Profiled Hawkeye
2)Watch the GymFace Album #2 and vote for the funniest picture
3)We have moved! Our Facebook Group is now a Page! Join the Iowa Men's Gymnastics Page and get access to even more videos and photos.
4)"Black & Gold" Event December 4th, 2010. Many more details to come!
5)Look out for an awesome new promotion opportunity. Read down the page for more!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

The Head Honcho

Hawk Fans, we have repeatedly told you of and about our new Iowa Men's Head Coach JD Reive...now here is your chance to meet him!

Take a look at the one-on-one interview with Coach Reive concerning the ambitions and progress of the 2010-2011 Men's Gymnastics Program.

A couple reminders and news:

1) Vote for November's Profiled Hawkeye
2) 6 days left to vote for the funniest picture on the GymFace Album #1
3) Video of October's Profiled Hawkeye Broderick Shemansky released
4) Check out our new Facebook Application
5) Special dance video featuring the "I Boyz" coming very soon!

Head Coach JD Reive

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Countdown to the Premier

Hawkeye Fans, it is only a matter of time before the debut of your Iowa Men's Gymnastics Team at the annual "Black & Gold" Competition.

On December 4, 2010, the Gym Hawks will be displaying for the campus and public a demonstration of strength, power, and agility. This traditional intrasquad competition here at Iowa has been done for years and is still today considered one of the favorites to compete in by many of the gymnasts themselves. Despite the probable characteristics of what will be the prideful Black Team taking on the determined Gold Team, both sides nevertheless wish the best for the other as they jointly use this introductory meet as a springboard toward the flight of a prosperous season.

Hawks, there are only T-minus 53 days until the showdown. We can promise you all that this is one meet not be missed. As both the Women's and Men's Black and Gold Teams proceed to rally together in the following months, it is a performance that will surely bring out the spirit and Hawkeye pride in any audience member. Save the date and witness the beginning of what is sure to be a un-matched season by the Iowa Hawkeyes!

Iowa Gymnastics Black and Gold Intrasquad
The Field House North Gym
December 4th, 2010
2:00 p.m.

Questions? Comments?

Don't be afraid to leave a comment or question below! Discussion not only makes the world go 'round, it also makes us all a little smarter...so lets learn something!

September's Profiled Hawkeye: Junior Adam Wilson

Saturday, October 2, 2010

A Hawkeye Affirmation

The wait is over...it is time for your Iowa Hawkeyes to be revealed.

Over the course of the last couple of weeks, myself and my partner here on Iowa Men's Gymnastics Site Team, Ryu Kawamura, have been filming the Gymnastics Teams practices from their nest in the north side of the Field House.

We created this video to give you, the fans, a pre-season sampler of what the 2010-2011 season will embody. These men are working hard to give the campus, community and fans spread out across the nation a season not to be missed.

This video is only a morsel of the dish that will soon be your 2011 Competition Season. Please enjoy the video and buckle your seat belts Hawks; Iowa Gymnastics is truly on its way.