2011-2012 Iowa Hawkeye Men's Gymnastics Team

"...showing what we are made of, and where we are going...the Hawkeye way..."

Monday, February 28, 2011

Senior Night: One for the History Books

Saturday February 19, 2011 is a day that will go down in Iowa Men’s Gymnastics as one of the most memorable and jaw-dropping evenings to date. Having gotten off to a rocky start at the beginning of this season, the hard-working No. 10 Iowa Men’s Team stripped their “shackles” of un-confidence and took center stage against the No. 7 Nebraska Cornhuskers to give the fans and public a true display of collegiate gymnastics the only way they knew how – Hawkeye style.

6:50 P.M. – In just minutes, the Hawks would step out under the bright lights of the main deck of the Field House for their last home competition. In front of a crowd of 400+, the Hawks walked their way into the deck; heads high and veins pumping with the desire to compete. It would be their last time this year to show all of their fans, friends, and family in the Iowa City, IA what they were capable of. It was their time shine as a team, as brothers.
7:00 P.M. – The anthem was sung and the judges assumed control of their events. Every member of the team had the same notion of victory, but in a different aspect. For weeks Head Coach Reive has spoken about the incredible potential of these gymnasts and what they can do. He stressed, “… the guys need to have confidence in what they can do and not to worry so much about their opponents. Once that happens, the sky is the limit.” Well, ask anyone who sat in the audience of that competition one week ago and they will say the same thing as the next person – the Hawks soared on Senior Night! They would tumble, vault, swing, and twist their way past the Cornhuskers to a victory, 348.100 – 342.700; a season high.

With the first rotation of the competition, the Hawks looked like the team they were always destined to be. Sr. John Haines opened the event with a nailed routine giving the Hawks a solid beginning and himself a tie for his season high score of 14.200. So. Matt McGrath performed a record breaking floor routine giving him a whopping 15.500; beating the previous record of 15.45 set by Alumni Geoff Reins in 2008. Notables also on the Floor were Fr. Lance Alberhasky (14.200) and So. Anton Gryshyev (14.000). If that wasn’t want enough on FX, a new team score record was set with a 57.900. But it most definitely did not stop there.

The Pommel Horse couldn’t buck these Hawkeyes off on senior night. So. Broderick Shemansky circled past competitors to place second the event with a personal best of 14.800. Sr. Michael Jiang was right behind him with a 14.400 and Junior Adam Wilson narrowly missed the podium by placing fourth in the event with a 14.200.

With two rotations under their belt and moving onto the Rings, the Hawks were ready to show what all those muscles were used for. So. Anton Gryshayev for the third time this season set a new school and personal record with a whopping 15.200 to help lead the Hawks to a season high team rings score of 58.100. Both So. Matt McGrath and Fr. Javier Balboa did well enough to tie for third on the event with a 14.400, respectively.

Vault landings were no issue for the Hawks this competition. Junior Zach Cazabon and Anton Gryshayev both stuck their respected vaults. Gryshayev would end up setting a season high for himself, a 1st place finishing 15.700.

Even Parallel Bars, an often times un-stable event for the Hawks could not conquer the confidence of this team. A team season high was made possible through the great display of athleticism shown by So. Broderick Shemansky, who just missed breaking the school record with a 14.700. Sr. Michael Jiang came in just behind Shemansky with a 14.600.

It came down to the final and last event, the Horizontal Bar. What once in previous competitions had given the Hawks some trouble proved to only on this night seal the win over the Cornhuskers. Fr. Samuel Wright swung his way to first place on the 10 ft. tall even with a 14.300. Shemansky would place third with a 14.200. Iowa would claim their second “W” at home for the season.

The coaches, gymnasts and audience would have never guessed that senior night would end up turning into more than just a night to recognize the three 4 year veterans. It would exceed expectations and turn into something breath-taking and incredible. The last competition in the Field House during the 2010-2011 season for the Hawks could not have gone any better. It was truly one for the history books.

A couple reminders Fans!

1)New GymFace Album! Vote below!
2)Continue voting for March's Profiled Hawkeye!
3)New Skill of the Week! Pay attention for the "Skill of the Week" Quiz 2!
4)New "Super Six" Video!
5)Look for the next opportunity to get your wristbands soon!!
6)Have a suggestion? Got a question? Like one of our videos? Tell us in the comment box below! Anyone can comment!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Gophers Scoot by Hawks in Conference Meet

This past weekend, on the main deck of the Fieldhouse, two nationally ranked teams took it to the floor in a Big 10 battle. One team, known for its power and clean gymnastics, traveled more than four hours to the quaint town of Iowa City. The other, more recently noticed for its extreme potential and well-presented gymnastics, was at home and ready to take down a competitor well within their competition level. The energy was high. The enthusiasm was there. However fate would have a different story to tell that evening.

The No. 9 Hawkeyes would fall to the No. 7 Minnesota Gophers that evening in the Men's Competition. As the Lady Hawks battled out a victory over the Denver Pioneers, our Men found it difficult to do the same.

The competition began on the Floor Exercise where right away, many falls were a result of most routines. From the outside looking in, a combination of nerves and the desire to beat the Gophers all pitched in to why the sometimes "un-knowingly" talented team lost. As the meet proceeded on through Pommel Horse, Rings, and the Vault it seemed that the routines were getting slightly better. There were some good landings on Vault and a couple solid Rings performances. Yet after four rotations the Hawks were still down behind the Gophers by at least 3 points; a deficit that was nowhere near impossible for the Hawkeyes to overcome. But unfortunately, fate had to put in her last "two cents" during the final two rotations.

The Horizontal Bar and the Parallel Bars in particular, were the icing on the cake to seal the Gophers with a win. Uncharacteristic falls, small mishaps and bobbles on the swinging events all added up in staggering points as to why the Hawks were unable to come from behind. Despite the numerous mistakes some gymnasts in the competition shined through to give impressive scores. Senior Michael Jiang performed a flawless routine on the High Bar while Freshman Javier Balboa wowed the crowd with a difficult and clean Parallel Bar routine. In addition Senior John Haines put up cleran Floor and Rings routines while So. Anton Gryshayev proved himself again with a 1st place finish on Rings. Even though clean hits were provided at times, it was not enough to patch up the damage that had already been done. The Hawks would lose to the Gophers, going 336.500 to 330.1; a disappointing season low.

After the competition, the promotion team was able to have a post meet Q & A with Head Coach JD Reive about today’s meet.

Q: What were your thoughts on today’s competition?

A: Quite disappointing to be honest. We came in today’s meet pretty confident and coming off of a good week of practice in the gym. The guys were a little un-focused in that their mindset needed to be on doing their best and not simply winning the meet. We will have to work on that this week for Nebraska next Saturday night.

Q: Now that we are just about halfway through the season, is this where you envisioned the Hawks to be?

A: Physical yes they are 100% well prepared. We were ready for today’s competition but mentally they are still not quite together. Once they gain that confidence we will be just fine.

Q: We saw a lot of new skills today in certain guys routines. Did you expect any falls to correlate with the increased difficulty?

A:[Laughing] Well there were some scary mishaps today but overall these men are more than prepared to do these skills. They have done them numerous times and will be fine once their heads stay on their shoulders.

Some Reminders and News!

1) Home Meet next Saturday, Feb. 19th @ 7 P.M. in the Fieldhouse against the Nebraska Cornhuskers! Be there!
2) We sold over 100 wristbands at the Minnesota Home Meet! If you didn’t get a chance to get yours, be at the next home meet and secure your band!
3) New GymFace Album, Vote for the funniest!
4) Skill of the Week Quiz 1! How well have YOU been paying attention to the skills?!
5) See who will win February's Profiled Hawkeye! Video coming soon!